Saturday, 3 November 2012

The Carbon Cycle

The Carbon Cycle:

Carbon atoms that are part of a carbon dioxide molecule in the atmosphere could diffuse into a leaf. During photosynthesis the carbon atom will become part of glucose.

If glucose is used by a plant for respiration the carbon atom will become part of carbon dioxide and release back in the atmosphere. But it could be changed into other carbon compounds and used to make plant biomass.

Carbs, fats and protein in plants all contain carbon atoms so when a animals eats it some are broken down and taken to the body while others come out a s faeces.

If plants and animals aren't eaten and just die, like decomposer organisms such as fungi, they start the process of decay. They feed on animal waste and break down carbon-containing compounds using some for respiration and some to build more complex compounds in their body.

If many dead plants are buried to quickly so decomposer organisms can't feed on them, they may be changed by heat and pressure into coal. Oil and natural gas are also formed dead sea plants or animals aren't decomposed.

They're all fossil fuels which contain carbon compounds. 

Combustion is a chemical reaction when substances burn, combining with oxygen to produce heat and waste products such as carbon dioxide.

The Carbon cycle is the movement of carbon through dead and living organisms and the atmosphere. 

Key Words:

Fossil fuels
Carbon cycle


1. What process removes carbon dioxide from the air?
2. Which process releases carbon dioxide in the air?

What you should Know:

An understanding of how carbon is recycled:
a. during photosynthesis plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
b. carbon compounds pass along a food chain
c. during respiration organisms release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
d. decomposers release carbon dioxide into the the atmosphere.
e. combustion of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

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